1. The area around the North Pole is called… The Antarctic The North The Arctic The Ice Cap The Arctic Circle The ArcticHiddenQ12. What is the population of Antarctica? Zero 10,000 120,000 530,000 Over 2 million ZeroHiddenQ23. How much of Antarctica is covered in ice? 2% 50% 75% 98% All of it 98%HiddenQ34. Where might you find a Polar Bear? The Antarctic The Arctic Birmingham Africa Spain The ArcticHiddenQ45. What do Polar Bears eat? Penguins Pizza Potatoes Krill Other Polar bears KrillHiddenQ56. How long might a Polar Bear live for? Over 50 years Less than 10 years A couple of years Over 100 years 20 to 30 years 20 to 30 yearsHiddenQ67. What colour is a Polar Bear’s fur? It's see-through White Cream Light grey Red It's see-throughHiddenQ78. What does ‘Igloo’ mean? A house in a cold location A house with only one room A house built from any material A temporary room built for use as a toilet A house built of snow A house built from any materialHiddenQ89.) How strong are igloos? They can support a person standing on the roof They are very weak and can’t support anything on top They can withstand tornados They can support a small dog standing on the roof They can support an elephant standing on the roof The can support a person standing on the roofHiddenQ910. How is global warming impacting the polar ice caps? The ice is becoming too hard There is lots more snowfall They are changing colour They are melting, causing sea levels to rise Lots of people are moving to live there They are melting causing sea levels to riseHiddenQ10Your scored out of 10:Well done.